Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis of Housing in Cape Town, South Africa - 804 Words

1- Introduction In the 1990s, Housing program in South Africa in general, and in Cape Town in particular, was still influenced by earlier housing policies and constrained by the pattern of low-income urban settlement inherited from the apartheid era, the main issue was the provision of houses for the poorest growing population, the outline of the governments’ approach to this issue is the concept of state assisted self help housing and commitment of incremental approach to housing, this policy has undermined the ability at least some of the households to utilize the kinds of urban housing which is promised by this policy .the article studied here â€Å" Housing and difference in Cape Town , South Africa† explains that the reason is that this policies assumes that urban households are small , settled and stable in composition ,and that the ties with rural areas diminish as they embed themselves in urban community and secure , reliable , income-generating work ,which falsely disregard t he fact that urban households coming from rural areas , are stretched , in the sense of including , as members , individuals who live in different parts of the country for a greater or lesser period , and who contribute to , or draw from a common resource pool .the aim is to maintain the members of the households , and to develop a secure long-term resource base for them ,in other words to â€Å"consolidate†, The article clarifies this fact through analyzing four cases of different households in CapeShow MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between Race And Educational Expectations Between Parents And Their Children1782 Words   |  8 PagesThis bibliography is a collection of articles that illustrate the story of Cape Town, South Africa, namely, that race considerations in one fashion or another permeate every facet and corner of the country s life. 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